Building Powerful Numeracy for Middle & High School Students

From the Introduction:
“As secondary teachers, we are often frustrated by the lack of number sense in our students. Students seem to either reach for a calculator or just shrug and say “I don’t know,” when asked simple arithmetic questions…”
“I was and continue to be amazed at the power we can harness in our secondary students by teaching ourselves and our students real numeracy.”
“…when we help students construct numerical relationships, they begin to believe that mathematics is understandable, that it is not all about memorizing abstract, counter-intuitive rules, but instead an arena in which they can reason and use their intuitive sense. We can develop their numeracy and use this understanding to build higher math.”
This book is appropriate for teachers of grades 3 - 12.
available at
“This book is an outstanding and welcome contribution to the field of mathematics education. It simultaneously addresses the development of numeracy and the extensions to the mathematical ideas taught on the secondary level and does so in a wonderfully engaging, coherent, and thoughtful way. Any secondary teacher reading this book will come away with a far deeper understanding of how to develop numeracy and fluent computation while integrating the more advanced topics that they are required to teach.”
~ Cathy Fosnot, author of the series
Young Mathematicians at Work
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Numeracy
Chapter 2 Addition and Subtraction: Models and Strategies
Chapter 3 Addition
Chapter 4 Subtraction
Chapter 5 Multiplication and Division: Models and Strategies
Chapter 6 Multiplication
Chapter 7 Division
Chapter 8 Decimals, Fractions, and Percents: Models and Strategies
Chapter 9 Decimals, Fractions, and Percents: Addition and Subtraction
Chapter 10 Decimals, Fractions, and Percents: Multiplication and Division